


involvement, prostitution, drug addiction, victimological prevention, victim.


The article deals with the problem of involvement of persons with drug addiction in prostitution. The author provides a brief description of such victims and defines the main directions of prevention of their victim behavior. It is indicated that the main determinants of the victimization of drug addicts with their subsequent involvement in prostitution include: 1) unsatisfactory level of material support of the victim, due to the unstable economic and social state of the population’s security and its own needs; 2) a vulnerable state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, which excludes the possibility of perceiving illegal actions in relation to oneself; 3) tendency to respond to blackmail and/or deception due to heightened perception of the potential consequences of refusing to engage in prostitution; 4) emotional lability, which becomes the cause of aggravation of conflicts with subsequent involvement in prostitution. It is noted that the role of law enforcement agencies should be given special attention given that timely prevention, which consists in identifying persons prone to the use of narcotic drugs and substances, provides an opportunity to shift the emphasis to other activities that may be socially useful. Society today can also contribute to raising the level of morality of the population. Attention is drawn to the value of individual work with persons who have drug addiction, as well as with victims of involvement in prostitution, since such work should be aimed at specifying the determination of criminal offenses related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as their analogues and precursors and involvement in prostitution, as well as the choice of response methods depending on the characteristics of the victim.


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How to Cite

Varava, D., & Kosse, V. (2024). INVOLVEMENT OF DRUG ADDICTS IN PROSTITUTION: A VICTIMOLOGICAL ASPECT. Law Journal of Donbass, 2(4), 62–66.

