police; services; preventive measures; surface inspection; police custody.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of certain features of the application of police preventive measures. In the course of the presentation of the main material, it is emphasized that the legal certainty of the system of police preventive measures, the understanding of their purpose and essence by all participants in social relations is a guarantee of harmonious work of the police and the population. It is emphasized that the provision of police services is a new vector of development of the main law enforcement agency of our country. It is indicated that preventive measures can be considered as auxiliary tools in ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the National Police of Ukraine. The main direction of the application of preventive measures is prevention and prevention of offenses. It has been investigated that police preventive measures are applied not only in connection with the commission of an offense by a person. For example, such preventive measures as questioning, stopping a vehicle, using technical devices, police custody, etc. can be applied to persons who have not committed and do not intend to commit an offense. The division of police preventive measures was carried out according to the criterion of presence in the procedure of their use of coercion. Separate elements of coercion are contained in the following preventive measures: checking a person’s documents, surface check, restriction of movement of a person, vehicle or actual possession of a thing, penetration into a person’s home or other property. It is noted that the emergence of police guardianship has become a new phenomenon in the system of preventive police measures. The purpose of police custody is to provide a service in the form of assistance to persons who need it and should not incur any sanctions in the form of detention or prosecution. It is indicated that during the application of the preventive measure “surface check” of the vehicle, it is not about intrusion into another property, but only about a visual inspection only if there are legal grounds. Such a visual inspection must be carried out without entering the vehicle, that is, carried out from the outside.
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