minor, victim, criminal offense, criminal legislation, individual prevention, law enforcement agencies.Abstract
The article examines the peculiarities of special prevention of victim behavior of minors. It is indicated that it is very difficult for a minor victim who has felt criminally unlawful influence on himself at least once to come to a gradual and exhaustive regression. In this connection, the so-called “chronic victim complex” is formed. The latter, in turn, borders on the development of psychosomatic and compulsive disorders. In any case, it is very difficult for a child to rebuild his consciousness on the victimsafe side. Attention is drawn to the fact that very often minors lose volitional control, because they believe that neither they nor their relatives and friends can help them. The factor of distrust in law enforcement agencies and the criminal law is often “connected” to this, due to the probable powerlessness and ineffectiveness of the latter in previous experience. The child lets go of each subsequent illegal situation, sometimes without even trying to seek help. In this way, a chronic trauma is formed, which gradually deprives the adolescent of the physical ability to respond to socially dangerous influences. That is why chronic victims rarely become criminal offenders in the future and hardly ever try to take revenge on the offender. Restitution and restitution to minors provide an opportunity to restore property rights, which is part of the rehabilitation process. A criminal offense in any case has the consequence of a significant violation of a number of constitutional rights and freedoms of the victim, in connection with which at least their partial restoration should be part of the preventive victimological policy. Victimological modeling can also take place in the context of creating narrowly focused models, such as, for example, the victimization of minors depending on the territorial location. As for the latter, the creation of electronic maps is an auxiliary tool for this kind of modeling.
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