rights protection, legitimate interests, rights, children with disabilities, war, medical assistance, education, social support.Abstract
The article addresses the urgent issue of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of children with disabilities in the context of war, as well as the protection of the rights and freedoms of children in general in conflict situations. In the context of war and conflict, ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of children, especially those with disabilities, becomes an extremely relevant task. Military actions and an unstable situation significantly impede children’s access to education, medical services, and social support. Ensuring their safety and providing opportunities for full development require not only immediate measures but also long-term strategies for the recovery of affected regions and ensuring sustainable support for all children, regardless of their health status. The article highlights the complex situations faced by children with disabilities during war, including access to medical assistance, education, and social support. The article also examines preventing child military recruitment and the use of children in conflicts, as well as psychological support and the reintegration of children who have experienced war events. In addition, possible ways to address these issues are discussed to ensure a dignified and secure future perspective for children in conflict conditions. In the context of war, where human rights and freedoms are violated, the article emphasizes the need for special protection and support for children with disabilities. It also underscores the development and implementation of legal and social mechanisms to improve their future prospects in wartime. Considering the importance of immediate measures and long-term strategies for the recovery of affected regions, the article urges the provision of sustainable support for all children, regardless of their health status. Therefore, implementing such measures becomes a key element in creating a safe and prosperous future for all children in times of military conflict.
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