



foreign interrogation tactics, false testimony, exposure of deception, strategic use of evidence, criminalistics.


The article examines the foreign concept of determining the truth of testimony obtained during interrogation. The content and significance of the “Strategic Use of Evidence” technique proposed by foreign specialists, aimed at exposing deception, is revealed. A meaningful description of the level structure and certain principles of strategic use of evidence are given, which indicate the presence of cause-and-effect relationships between the results of the interrogation and the technique of recognizing false statements. It is indicated on the features of reporting information by different persons who speak true or false information. It is emphasized that the inconsistency and inconsistency of the testimony indicates the falsity of the testimony. The need for step-by-step disclosure of available evidence is comprehensively substantiated. As a result of the drip method of demonstrating evidence, the greatest result of exposing deception is achieved. In addition, within the scope of the article, an attempt is made to find out the methods of increasing the accuracy of detection of deception during the interrogation of a person. It has been found that interviewees who mislead the investigator and those who tell the truth use different speech strategies and use different beliefs. The technique of strategic use of evidence is based on the interrogator’s reflection on the demonstration of incriminating evidence. Emphasis is placed on changing the model of behavior of the interrogate, who hides reliable information, as an appropriate reaction to the demonstration of evidence of incriminating content. It is indicated that the technique of strategic use of evidence pursues the goal of improving existing tactical methods of interrogation in the direction of increasing the probability of recognizing unreliable testimony by identifying general patterns of behavior of persons who hide known information or resort to deception, as well as their typical reaction to the demonstration of incriminating evidence. At the end of the research, the expediency of implementing some of its provisions into domestic forensic theory and investigative practice is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Kubariev, I., & Barhan, S. (2024). ABOUT “STRATEGIC USE OF EVIDENCE” TO EXPOSE OF DECEPTION (FOREIGN STUDIES). Law Journal of Donbass, 2(4), 167–171. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2022-81-4-2-167-171

