



political responsibility, local self-government, public-authority institutions.


The article focuses on the definition of the specificity of the subject and the mechanism to ensure the political accountability of public institutions. Special attention shall be given to the special features of the implementation of political responsibility in the activities of officials of local self-governing bodies. It has been proven that the relevance of this article requires from local authorities to effectively protect the interests of the territorial community, as well as to establish relations with the state. The purpose of the scientific research is to determine the place and features of political responsibility in the system of social responsibility in the conditions of implementation of the decentralization reform. In the article, the author considers political responsibility as a necessary component of democracy. The institutional forms of realization of mutual political responsibility of the State and civil society are analysed. It has been proven that political responsibility, based on the principles of philosophical worldview, is a part of social responsibility and has every chance of being enshrined in law, similar to other types of legal responsibility. The relationship between political responsibility and moral responsibility is revealed, in particular, through the analysis of the nature of sanctions of a political and political-legal direction. As part of a qualitative and multifaceted examination of the case, the author analysed the contents of the draft law “On political responsibility” dated April 9, 2010 No. 6286. He presented his own views on the interpretation of basic concepts of political responsibility, using the example of the activities of public servants in local self-government bodies. Moreover, the article analyses in detail other equally important provisions concerning the dimensions, functions, aspects and finality of political responsibility as a relatively new phenomenon of objective reality.


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How to Cite

Mishchuk, I. (2024). POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. Law Journal of Donbass, 1(4), 24–28. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2022-81-4-1-24-28

