information security, national security, National Security Strategy, Republic of Poland, information legal relations, strategic communications, information space, information legislation.Abstract
The article is devoted to defining the essence and directions of information security in the 2020 National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland. Arguments are given that information security is an important element of the national security of a modern state, which is due to both the constant development of information technologies and the constant complication and improvement of hybrid threats and information-psychological operations. This became especially important after the beginning of the fullscale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which is accompanied by active propaganda and media threats from the enemy. Peculiarities of the development of the concept of information security have been investigated in studies devoted to ensuring the activities of business entities. Attention is focused on the greater complexity and branching of the information security of the state compared to the information security of the organization. The article establishes that in the Republic of Poland, sufficient attention is paid to the problems of ensuring information security as a national component, as evidenced by the contents of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland for 2020. The specifics of information security problems in the specified legal document include the following: peoplecentricity, which is manifested both in the areas of cyber security and in measures to protect the information space; comprehensive understanding of the information space as a combination of virtual, physical and cognitive components; emphasizing the importance of creating a single system of strategic communications of the state, which would have the features of unity and consistency, as well as the preventive nature of influences; the importance of the pedagogical factor of countering aggressive informational influences (for representatives of both the state and non-state sectors).
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