National Police, administrative and legal prevention, public safety and order, public order, public safety, administrative offenses.Abstract
The article analyzes the main directions, principles and prospects for the introduction of qualitative changes in the processes of complex regulation and provision of the entire sphere of social relations of administrative-tort law through normative-legal regulation of the categories of public order and public safety. This can be seen, in particular, thanks to the scientific analysis of problems and the identification of the real state of the implementation of the processes of administrative and legal prevention by the National Police of Ukraine of offenses that encroach on public safety and order in the state, and the identification of proposals for improving the activities of law enforcement agencies with the application of relevant legislation. The state of protection of vital personal, public and state interests, the level of population welfare, etc., directly depend on the quality and effective provision of the above categories. The object of scientific research was the social relations functioning in the sphere of law enforcement activities of the police, the legal and practical completeness of which depends on the maintenance of such conditions in society as public order and public safety, as well as ways of their improvement. The subject is a preventive range of actions to prevent crimes, particularly in the field of public order and security. The purpose of the conducted scientific research is not only in the obvious generalization and systematization of the leading preventive measures in accordance with the type of offenses that affect public order and public safety, but also in the invention and definition of processes and ways of improving such activities.
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