digital transformation, digitalization, information rights, information legal relationship, information culture, information consciousness.Abstract
The article is devoted to the definition of a number of basic categories of information and legal science related to the essence and processes of digital transformation. The article establishes that digital transformation is a process of fundamental restructuring of the organization, management, functions and methods of activity, information culture and information consciousness of the subjects of legal relations through the use of information technologies. The concept of legal support for digital transformation is defined as the creation of legal conditions for improving the efficiency of the subjects of legal relations through the use of digital technologies. Arguments are given that the main directions of digital transformation include: a) improving the efficiency of technological processes; b) optimization of the structure of the organization, the content of its activities and the system of preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions; c) raising the level of informational and informational consciousness of individual and collective subjects, including civil society; d) reducing the level of corruption, subjectivity and interregional barriers in the public service system; e) reducing the share of inefficient routine work in the employment structure due to the use of artificial intelligence; f) creation of a digital development model, the imitation of which contributes to a more complete satisfaction of the needs and interests of individuals and legal entities. The subjects of legal relations in the field of digital transformation include: public authorities; military formations, law enforcement and intelligence agencies; business entities; public associations and unions, political parties, trade unions, religious organizations, self-regulatory organizations; research institutions and educational institutions; medical and other institutions. Attention is focused on the fact that digital transformation generates the vulnerability of social systems due to the accompanying growth of information threats.
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Transformation / Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus. URL: (дата звернення: 19.11.2022 р.).