lawyer, legal activity, legal profession, judge, prosecutor, lawyer, notary.Abstract
The article is devoted to defining the concept and formulating the characteristic features of the legal profession. The purpose of the scientific article is to clarify the essence, characteristic features and significance of professional legal activity. The profession of a lawyer is defined as a separate type of labor activity or occupation that requires special legal knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform certain work in the legal field related to the establishment of law and justice, assistance in the implementation of law, its protection and protection from violations. Such signs characterizing professional legal activity as: humanism, social significance, public character, intellectual and creative character, independence and self-reliance, possibility of coercion, competence, integrity, increased social responsibility, discretionary character are singled out. The interdependence of the social demand for the legal profession and the development of the rule of law has been established, according to which the reform of legal institutions leads to an increase in the quantitative level of lawyers, and their constant activity requires an increase in the qualitative level of the legal profession. The peculiarities of the legal profession, which have the greatest impact on lawyers, are clarified, in particular, such as: conflict nature, negative external influence, risks of professional deformation, high psycho-emotional stress and corruption risks. Based on the analysis of theoretical works, the social purpose of the legal profession has been clarified. It is argued that the goal of the legal profession is to ensure the idea of justice as the superiority of good over evil and the basis for successful social interaction based on respect for people, providing everyone with equal and free opportunities for development and satisfaction of their needs. The general tasks of professional legal activity are formulated, which consist in assisting in the implementation of the law, protection of the law and protection of the law from violations.
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