preventive police action, police care, minor, state of intoxication, real danger, psychological disorder, psychiatric institution, specialized medical institution.Abstract
The purpose of writing a scientific article is to determine the general principles of the personal safety of a police officer during the application of such a preventive police measure as police care. The topic is part of a broad theme of administrative and legal science – personal security in the activities of the National Police. The work focuses on the peculiarities of personal safety during the implementation of police care measures, which should be reflected in the regulations governing the activities of the police, and in the curricula of special disciplines taught in higher education institutions with specific training conditions, during the advanced training of police officers, during their service training. An opinion has been expressed about the high degree of importance of the topic, which is due to the risks that may arise during the use of police care. The author focuses on the fact that in carrying out official duties for the use of police care, the police officer must understand the possibility of developing a preventive police measure into an open confrontation, and therefore must be prepared to complicate the situation. There are factors that can lead to violations of personal safety by police officers in the performance of official duties for the use of police care. Attention is focused on the fact that factor of the psychological preparedness of the policeman is the development of skills of ignoring danger, developing an attitude towards a positive outcome of conflict resolution, accelerated response to conflict and critical situations, the use of psychological acceptances in communicating with persons in conflict, etc. It was emphasized that ensuring the personal safety of a police officer during the use of police care is based on the following principles: thorough knowledge of the provisions of regulations governing the activities of a police officer, including the use of police care, personal security measures, etc.; psychological, communicative, tactical, physical fitness of the preparedness of the policeman, as well as the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the operational situation. As a result, the author developed general recommendations for ensuring the personal safety of the police officer during the use of police care.
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