security restrictions, distance learning, effective governance, higher education institution, educational institution, public administration, martial law conditions.Abstract
The article contains a study on the effective management of a higher education institution under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. In the statement of the problem, specific problems faced by the ZVO, which exists in parallel with the war in the country, are given. Higher education institutions were forced to learn on the go, responding each time to new challenges: the introduction of unplanned vacations; the struggle for the preservation of personnel potential and the contingent of students, because a significant part of the participants of the educational process, as a result of the threat to life, hostilities and the temporary occupation of certain territories, were forced to move within the borders of Ukraine or abroad; mastering distance learning skills; remote final exams, admissions campaign, security restrictions, etc. Educational institutions not only continue to work, but also form a unique experience, rethink the role and value of education and take on a new level of responsibility. The article emphasizes the multifacetedness of the educational process, because the complex management mechanism of higher education requires a systemic and structural approach. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the goals, the activity of the higher education institution and its management system must be clear, and the educational institution itself must be able to quickly adapt to changes, needs and problems of society. The process of management of higher educational institutions is based on a set of human, material, technical, informational, regulatory and other components, interconnected in such a way that thanks to this the management process is carried out and management functions are implemented. In this regard, one of the key problems of management is the relationship between purposeful management and processes that spontaneously arise in the course of life (quarantine or security restrictions). It was noted that in the conditions of martial law, it is extremely important to ensure that students of higher education can master the educational material with the help of the synchronous and asynchronous mode of learning chosen by the educational institution to ensure the main goal of its activity.
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