


creativity, creative personality, creative industries, creative process, creative product, creative city, creative class, creative economy.


The article examines the philosophical and legal features of creative industries. Sources of creative way of thinking, way of life are analyzed, elements of the structure of creative industries are studied, such as creative process, creative product, creative space, etc. The creative city is studied as a center of consolidation of creative forms and sources, as well as a creative personality that is realized in this space, producing innovative forms and ideas for information exchange. The reproduction of new forms of cooperation within creative cities leads to the formation of new branches of creative industries and thorough development of already existing ones. The creative economy is analyzed as a consequence of the functioning of creative industries and the social consequences are demonstrated in the form of the conditionality of production in general by the creative class of society. Conclusions. Creative industries are a social phenomenon that structurally consists of several elements. The creative product is both the goal and the result of the creative process, because it determines the existence of the social value of creativity as such and gives it a material component. A creative product can be implemented not only under the conditions of the existence of a creative industry, but within its limits it can be revealed or achieved in the most complete way. The most effective environment for the realization (creation and further application) of a creative product is a special space – a creative city. The essence of the latter is the production of specific conditions for existence within the limits of creativity, the creation of a special environment of opportunities, where both the individual and society itself could receive solutions to pressing issues. The source of the legal component in the existence of creative industries is the existence of the very concept of natural law, which provides an opportunity to realize, ensure, and protect both the creative potential of an individual and the creative result of activity. The Ukrainian legal tradition provides a diverse list of opportunities for the creation of creative industries, protects and ensures the effectiveness of this activity.


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How to Cite

Nikolenko, K., & Zinchenko, V. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL AND LEGAL ANALYSIS OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. Law Journal of Donbass, (3), 22–26.

