intellectual property protection, Blockchain technologies, protection information systems, innovative protection technologies, smart contracts.Abstract
In connection with the widespread use of digital technologies in all areas of society, the development of innovative information protection systems, including the use of Blockchain, has been actively discussed recently. In Ukraine, Blockchain technologies are also gradually being introduced, one of the areas of their application is the protection of intellectual property rights. It has been proven that the protection of intellectual property rights is much more difficult in some areas, and Blockchain technology makes it possible to provide it where legal protection is, unfortunately, ineffective. In this field, there is an unlimited number of opportunities for using Blockchain technology, as evidenced by international experience. It has been established that Blockchain technology, despite a number of its advantages, also has certain disadvantages. However, these disadvantages can be easily eliminated, taking into account all the features of Blockchain technology. The application of Blockchain technology in the field of intellectual property management has significant potential. Thus, the distributed registry in the field of intellectual property will allow to unite many different organizations for the protection of intellectual property objects around the world, strengthen communication between them, and attract a large number of independent experts. Distributed registries will become an effective tool in the fight against counterfeit products and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The technology will create conditions for the implementation of a model of fair remuneration of creators by tracking the entire life cycle of an intellectual property object. Also, the blockchain will make the turnover of copyright more reliable and will not require additional confirmation, which will ensure the transparency of copyright, the fight against piracy and unfair use of objects of copyright and related rights. All described mechanisms make Blockchain a universal tool. After all, in the modern world there is a task not only of protection, but also of effective use of intellectual property objects. Technology is the best enabler of this. At the same time, Blockchain technology will not make the legal regulation of intellectual property superfluous, but, on the contrary, will strengthen its regime. All legal forms of intellectual property protection will remain valid. Based on this, it was established that the implementation and further development of Blockchain technologies in the field of intellectual property rights protection in Ukraine is one of the state’s priorities.
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