pre-trial investigation, information provision, criminal process, normative and legal regulation, shortcomings, criminal offense.Abstract
The article examines certain gaps in the regulatory and legal regulation of information provision of pre-trial investigation in Ukraine. It is indicated that the information support of the pre-trial investigation should include: 1) the process of getting to know the prosecution, which provides an opportunity to timely and objectively correctly prove the guilt of the subject of the criminal offense; 2) provision of legal assistance by a defense attorney during a pre-trial investigation – as a set of measures and means aimed at parallel search and disclosure of information that contributes to the release of a person from criminal liability/punishment, or reduction of its severity; 3) optional assistance of other participants in the criminal process (victim, suspect, etc.), which contributes to supplementing the evidentiary complex in a specific criminal proceeding. It is noted that the establishment of a clear correlation between the units that are related to the investigation is difficult to overestimate, because such a balance provides an opportunity to approach criminal proceedings more objectively and to reveal criminal offenses in the shortest possible time. That is why the criminal procedural legislation is the main normative legal act, which should establish a clear algorithm of joint investigative activity. It is summarized that all the existing shortcomings of the regulatory regulation of information provision of pre-trial investigation can be divided into several categories: 1) shortcomings associated with the lack of consistency between regulatory and legal acts that regulate various social relations; 2) shortcomings associated with the legislator’s rudimentary approach to the evaluation of criminal procedural tools; 3) shortcomings related to the lack of a clear correlation between the normative and legal acts that regulate the activities of various divisions that carry out pre-trial investigation; 4) shortcomings of a temporary nature associated with a special legal regime in the state.
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