



prostitution, pimping, pandering, criminal law enforcement, sexual services, criminal law.


The article considers pimping as a criminally illegal phenomenon of our time. It is indicated that pimping or involving a person in prostitution is often latent because, firstly, it is very difficult to identify and prove both objective and subjective circumstances. Secondly, victims do not always show a desire to turn to law enforcement agencies due to a number of factors, the most prevalent of which are disbelief in the effectiveness of legislation, the presence of a stereotyped idea of police nihilism, and reluctance to publicize the fact of encroachment on one’s honor, dignity, and sexual freedom, etc. It is noted that pimping should be understood as a complex criminally illegal activity of a person, which consists in the selection of female and/or male persons for the provision of sexual services, as well as the implementation of any organizational and managerial functions (contact with clients, physical and medical protection, development schedule and list of services, etc.) related to the activities of these persons. The main actions of a pimp are: 1) selection of persons who will provide sexual services, coordination of the list of services; 2) search and initial contact with clients, establishment of remuneration; 3) providing transportation to the client or living space suitable for providing sexual services; 4) ensuring the personal safety of a person who provides sexual services; 5) provision of medical assistance to a person who provides sexual services. It is concluded that today the understanding of the phenomenon of pimping is too narrow and excessively rudimentary. The main problem lies in the perception of this kind of activity through the prism of a selfish motive, which complicates the process of combating criminal offenses both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. The fact that the pimp has a selfish motive should be defined by the criminal law as an aggravating circumstance, but in no case as a determining factor.


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How to Cite

Kosse, V. (2024). PIMPING AS A CRIMINALLY ILLEGAL PHENOMENON OF TODAY. Law Journal of Donbass, (3), 53–57. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2022-80-3-53-57

