crimes against the environment, criminal offense, criminal-legal and forensic characteristics, criminal proceedings, pre-trial investigation, forensic methodology.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific approaches to determining the essence of the criminal-legal characteristics of crimes against the environment. To date, no consensus has been formed regarding the definition of the term ‘crime against the environment’ (in other words: ‘environmental crime’ or ‘environmental criminal offense’), which does not contribute to a clear understanding of these terms by scientists and practitioners. The problems of signs of environmental crimes or environmental criminal offenses have been under the attention of scientists for a long time, but a unified position on this issue has not been developed. Attention is paid to the need to distinguish such scientific concepts as ‘criminal-legal characteristics of a certain type of criminal offense’ or ‘criminal-legal characteristics of a group of crimes.’ The problem of forming a criminal-legal characteristic as a system of generalized data on typical signs of criminal offenses, taking into account the connections between elements, is considered. Recently, processes of adaptation of national legislation, including environmental legislation, to the legislation of the European Union have been taking place in Ukraine. According to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Concept of the Nationwide Program for the Adaptation of the Legislation of Ukraine to the Legislation of the European Union’, priority should be given to legislative acts of Ukraine that will contribute to the legal provision of measures for environmental protection and rational nature management. The basic law that regulates issues of environmental legal relations is the Law of Ukraine dated June 25, 1991 ‘On Environmental Protection’. This law is declarative and does not contain special criminal and administrative legal provisions. The practical significance of the specified characteristic in the organization of the investigation of crimes against the environment, in the construction of methodological recommendations for the pre-trial investigation of this group of criminal offenses is emphasized.
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