



speculation, economic crimes, USSR, legal regulation, legal responsibility


The evolution of the legal regulation of the crime of “speculation” in the Soviet Ukraine in the period of 1918–1941 is thoroughly characterized in the article. Attention is focused on “speculation” of grains and products. In the research, the authors have used a thorough source base: decrees and resolutions of the RSFSR authorities, which were legally binding on the territory of Ukraine as well, decrees and resolutions of the USSR authorities, the Criminal Codes of the editions of 1922 and 1927 with all the changes that took before 1941. The used archival materials vividly illustrate aspects of the Bolsheviks’ struggle against speculation at the local level. The authors show that the Bolshevik government almost continuously defined speculation as one of the most serious crimes. As a result, the punishments for speculation were quite severe, including sometimes death penalties. Some mitigation of liability occurred during the NEP period. However, the free market annoyed the Soviet authorities who had to tolerate the private peasant. Therefore, the legal norms prohibiting speculation were clearly ambiguous and, accordingly, freely interpreted. This favored to the Soviet authorities. Specific features of the most of the norms that prohibited speculation were, firstly, the absence of the term “speculation”, and secondly, the incomplete corpus delicti. The latter made it possible for the Soviet authorities to freely interpret the norms depending on the situation. As a result, speculation became a kind of “scarecrow”. If necessary, the Soviet authorities used speculation to fight both against disagreeable individuals and against many layers of the population. However, having installed the totalitarian system and taken the industrialization course, the Bolsheviks showed their true colors and came back to their usual bloodthirsty sanctions. Changes were promptly made to the Criminal Code of the USSR of 1927 known as the Terror Code. So, the Bolshevik experience in the fight against speculation turned out to be negative.


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How to Cite

Fedorchenko, O., Kaminskaya, O., & Alekseyenko, A. (2024). EVOLUTION OF LEGAL REGULATION OF THE CRIME OF “SPECULATION” IN THE SOVIET UKRAINE (1918–1941). Law Journal of Donbass, (1), 12–17. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2024-86-12-17

