coercion; coercive measures; management method; force; police; law enforcement agencies.Abstract
The article investigates the genesis of the notion of "coercion" in the activities of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. The issue set by the author is to justify a new doctrine of law enforcement practices, to indetify a proper place of coercive measures. The research is based on a three-part classification of administrative coercion measures, which was based on the selection of the criterion of the purpose of applying the administrative coercion measure. Accordingly, the purpose of preventing possible offenses and the occurrence of dangerous consequences for society necessitates the application of administrative and preventive measures; the purpose of termination of unlawful actions causes the application of measures of administrative termination; and the purpose of punishing those guilty of administrative misconduct is to apply administrative liability measures. The study revealed that the solution of scientific discussions concerning the concept, features and classifications of administrative coercion measures is not facilitated by the current regulatory policy. More specifically, the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police" stipulates that in order to fulfill its tasks, the police take measures to respond to violations, and apply preventive and coercive measures within their competence. At the same time, the Parliament, having foreseen the preventive measures in police activity, de facto identified them with administrative and preventive ones, which are substantiated by Ukrainian doctrine; measures to respond to offenses with measures to suspend and secure proceedings in cases of administrative offenses and criminal proceedings, but coercion measures include only physical power (force), the use of special means and firearms. Therefore, applying the logic of the previous research publications, it was identified a system of measures: preventive measures (traditionally denoted as administrative preventive), measures to respond to offenses (traditionally referred to as general measures to stop offenses) and coercive measures (special measures to stop offenses). Accordingly, the formal definition of the term "force" is narrower than defined by administrative and legal doctrine in the context of coercion in the activities of law enforcement agencies.
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