Turkey, ethnopolitics, ethnopolitical features, nation, political nation, geopolitics, globalizationAbstract
The ethno-political features and current trends in the sovereignization of the Republic of Turkey are analyzed in the article in the context of the spread of the ideas of the Turkic-Turkish cultural space. It is stated that social development trends related to ethno-political factors are an important aspect of international relations. Given the globalization processes, it is important to understand the role of Turkey in the strategic picture. Throughout its history, the Republic of Turkey has experienced periods of authoritarian rule, namely during military coups and under a one-party system, which entrenched authoritarianism in the country's political culture. It contributed to the development of a tendency toward strong and centralized leadership. The political culture in Turkey emphasizes the importance of the leader of a political party rather than the party itself. Leaders are considered crucial figures in meeting the needs of society and ensuring Turkey's survival and prosperity. It is important for Ukraine to draw conclusions from Turkey's current policy, as recent events indicate a rejection of Ataturk's postulates for the establishment of a secular, democratic, rule-of-law state. The establishment of authoritarianism in the country's political culture may lead to the loss of the values of humanism, respect for human rights and democracy.
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