National Guard of Ukraine; administrative and legal status; commander; powers; military administration body; public authority; administrative and legal norms; administrative functions; military leadership; public administration.Abstract
The article reveals the concept, legal nature and signs of the administrative and legal status of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine. It has been established that one of the key elements of the administrative and legal status of the commander of the National Guard is the empowerment of the head of the main body of military command. The specificity of the implementation of the powers of the commander of the National Guard, which is associated with the administrative and legal regime of the functioning of public authorities, is highlighted. The concept of administrative and legal status of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine is defined as a reflection of his specific state in the field of public administration, which is manifested in a set of rights and responsibilities, guarantees of their provision, and legal personality of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine implemented in administrative and legal relations. It is proved that a specific feature of the legal nature of the administrative and legal status of commander of the National Guard of Ukraine is the implementation of the last function of dual subordination, depending on the features of the functioning of the public administration system. With the imposition of martial law, the National Guard of Ukraine is ready to perform the tasks assigned to it under the legal regime of martial law. If in peacetime the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, being part of the security forces, actually ensures the implementation of law enforcement functions of the state by organizing cooperation with other law enforcement agencies to combat administrative and criminal offenses, then in a special period of public administration execution of state defense tasks shall be prepared for the execution of tasks as assigned and shall be subordinated to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thus, the administrative and legal status of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine is a complex legal category that generally reflects his legal status, on the one hand, as the head of the main body of military management of the National Guard of Ukraine, and on the other - as a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine.
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