


mediation; mediation procedure; administrative proceedings; alternative dispute resolution; public law dispute; administrative law dispute.


The article focuses on the study of mediation as an alternative way to resolve legal conflicts in resolving public law disputes. Conflicts and the need to resolve them are an integral part of society. The European integration orientation of the state has initiated legal and institutional reforms in order to introduce alternative ways of resolving disputes. Humanity's search for conflict resolution can be seen in different legal cultures, and mediation is one of the oldest ways to resolve conflicts. Mediation at the legislative level was introduced in 2021 by the relevant law, which defines the basic principles of mediation for any type of disputed legal relationship in the presence of the will of the parties to the disputed legal relationship. The scientific article examines the historical preconditions for the introduction of the mediation procedure and emphasizes the disputes that have a public-law nature. Administrative legislation is developed taking into account the needs of today, so it accepts and proposes the use of mediation procedures during or before the resolution of administrative disputes in administrative proceedings. The implementation of mediation in resolving administrative and legal disputes has certain peculiarities, as the latter arises between a public authority or official and a party, which may be a private person or other administrative body. Disagreements between them related to non-application, different interpretations of public law and the exercise of their subjective public rights and responsibilities have certain peculiarities, so the mediation procedure can be used only in some administrative disputes. The scientific article concludes that a special approach is needed to resolve disputes that are of a public law nature in the process of mediation, as these types of conflicts have a special structure and characteristics. As a result of the study, it was proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine "On Mediation" in order to take into account the specifics of disputes of public law.


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How to Cite

Ustinova-Boichenko, G., Nesterenko, K., & Bulhakova, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIATION IN RESOLUTION PUBLIC LEGAL DISPUTES. Law Journal of Donbass, (2), 119–126.

