police; water police; maritime police; powers; tasks.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the organization of the activities of police units on the water in foreign countries and the determination of the possibility of introducing their positive experience into the police system of Ukraine. It is noted that the police units on the water today are typical for many police systems of the countries of the world, however, within the framework of the proposed study, the experience of the police on the water of countries such as Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Sweden and Poland will be subjected to scientific analysis. It is concluded that the police systems of the countries analyzed by the author have formed quite effective organizational and staff structures of such units in their system, however, their structure is distinguished by the peculiarities of legislative regulation, the administrative-territorial structure of the countries themselves, the organization of police activities in general and the scale of water areas, which is the object of police activity in this area. The generalization of the experience of the countries analyzed in the article allowed the author to determine the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine, in particular: the experience of Australia regarding the introduction of full-time positions of divers in the organizational structures of police units on the water; Germany's experience in creating specialized training for police officers on the water; the experience of Sweden in terms of the application by the police of special measures to counter the management of water transport in a state of intoxication; the experience of Poland in the issue of a clear regulation of the activities of police units on the water at the level of a specialized departmental normative legal act. It is noted that the use of positive foreign experience in organizing the activities of police units on the water is useful for borrowing it, taking into account the general context of the reforms taking place in the National Police of Ukraine at the present stage of development of the state, an objective assessment of the needs and resources of the specified law enforcement agency and topical issues of modern policing.
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