apprenticeship; agreement on apprenticeship; professional training; retraining; professional development; student; minors; employee; employer.Abstract
The article analyzes the content of the student’s contract as a legal institution, analyzed the legal regulation of apprenticeship in European Union countries, and defined the legal nature of the student’s contract as an independent type of contract in labour law. The article was prepared using general research and special methods of scientific knowledge. The methods of analysis and synthesis of comparative law and historical law were used, which made it possible to determine the labour-law characteristics, content and nature of the apprenticeship agreement. One of the forms of training and additional vocational training directly with the employer is the apprenticeship agreement, the legal nature of which is still under discussion and not definitively defined. An analysis of Ukrainian legislation shows that there are gaps in the regulation of relations related to vocational training directly with the employer. The author emphasizes the legal status of the subjects of legal relations of apprenticeship and the manner in which these legal relations are created, modified and terminated. A person who receives training directly at work acquires a special status, at the same time becoming an apprentice and a member of the enterprise’s labour collective. The author notes that the peculiarity of the subject matter is that the proportion of students is persons under the age of 18 whose work-related status has its own characteristics. The article defines the characteristics of an apprenticeship agreement, distinguishing it from a civil contract and a “classical” contract of employment. A peculiarity of the student contract is seen by the author in the basis of its conclusion and its ultimate purpose. The problem raised in the article is an important stage in the establishment and development of the institution of apprenticeship in Ukraine. This is a priority of the State’s policy for the development of dual education and the possibility of obtaining qualifications directly through vocational training. On the basis of an analysis of the scientific literature, it is reasonable to conclude that the pupil’s contract contains labourrelated characteristics, but because of its specific features is a separate type of contract in labour law, the legislative regulation of which will make it possible to determine its content, the rights and obligations of the parties and the opportunity to defend their rights in case of violation.
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