

the principle of the rule of law; economic judiciary; principles of economic judiciary; justice; legality.


The current reforms, as are happening in Ukraine, the implementation of reforms in all areas of social life, the improvement of legislation will require a deep understanding of the principle of the rule of law. It is in the minds of Ukraine to become a full-fledged member of the European Union, and this principle is becoming especially relevant. The development of a legal power led to the clouding of new principles and approaches to the improvement of European integration approaches to the reform of legislation, the judiciary and the judiciary. In the article, on the basis of the new achievements of the economic procedural science and other summary scientific disciplines, it is analyzed that the principle of the rule of law in the economic judiciary is replaced by the principle. The essence of the principle of the rule of law is related to the fact that the procedure for establishing court proceedings in the economic courts is regulated only by the norms of legislative acts, and by the Constitution of Ukraine itself and the Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine. The main meta principle of the rule of law is nakedness on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine that Ukraine is a legal power. The formulation of the principle of the rule of law in legislative acts confirms that Ukraine is a democratic state. The principle of the rule of law determines the development of the priority of law in the state, ensuring the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms of the people, giving an effective defense in case of violation of their rights and interests protected by law. It has been shown that the principle of the supremacy of the right of directing access to the rights of individuals to justice, with the method of defending rights and interests protected by law, for the understanding of a fair review of the right, as well as the principles of legal authority, equality and enforcement of judgments. The establishment of the principle of the rule of law in the economic procedural legislation and the improvement of international and European standards to create the necessary minds for the unification and harmonization of the legislation of international principles.


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How to Cite

Nikolenko, L. (2024). DETERMINATION OF THE CONTENT OF THE PRINCIPLE OF THE RULE OF LAW IN ECONOMIC JUDICIARY. Law Journal of Donbass, (1), 82–86. Retrieved from

