

juvenile victimology; criminogenic victimhood; juvenile; criminal offense; illegal behavior; victim behavior; victim.


The article considers the concepts and content components of modern juvenile victimology. It is stated that juvenile victim behavior is a pre-criminal stage, which consists in the demonstration to juvenile victims of active or passive actions that cause the offender’s desire to commit a criminal offense against him and contribute to the culmination of criminal intent. Such active or passive actions are the result of incorrect or incompletely formed perception of the child about criminally safe behavior, which is due to the violation of the socialization process. In turn, the destruction that occurs in the process of socialization leads to deviation or victimization of a minor. Given the above, we can conclude that juvenile victimization is a process of early inversion of social guidelines, which forms in the minds of adolescents distortion of psychosomatic and communicative skills, which leads to excessive behavior that provokes aggression by a criminal offender. It is concluded that juvenile victimology is an independent branch of general victimology, the purpose of which is to create a preventive effect on criminally illegal activities by correcting the victim’s predispositions to minors as one of the determinants of socially dangerous acts. Its scientific content components are: 1) the phenomena of juvenile vitality and victimization: victimogenic determination complex, conceptual and categorical apparatus, differentiation by species, etc.; 2) the identity of the minor victim: structure, classification and typology; 3) the mechanism of interaction between the juvenile real / potential victim and the criminal offender; 4) empirical and factual analysis of criminological and victimological situation, forecasting of criminally illegal activity taking into account features of group and mass victimhood according to a certain locality; 5) strategic planning of preventive victimological and criminological measures and means of interaction with potential and real juvenile victims of criminal offenses.


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How to Cite

Titochka, T. (2024). CONCEPTS AND SUBSTANTIVE COMPONENTS OF MODERN JUVENIAL VICTIMOLOGY. Law Journal of Donbass, (1), 133–138. Retrieved from

