legal analogy (analogia iuris); statutory analogy (analogia legis); law analogy; criminal procedure; criminal proceeding; analogy; principle of analogy; doctrine of criminal procedure.Abstract
The fundamental research of the principle of statutory analogy and legal analogy in criminal proceedings of Ukraine has been performed in the text of this scientific article. The provisions of Article 9 (6) of the Ukrainian Code of Criminal Procedure were the legal and regulatory foundation for the scientific paper. The formal logical cognition of the interrelation of the criminal procedure rules and the rules of other law branches of Ukraine, first of all in the spheres of crime prevention, safety and protection of national (state) security and defense of Ukraine, was the theoretical and legal foundation for the scientific paper. The concept definition of the principle of statutory analogy and legal analogy in criminal proceedings was the doctrinal and legal foundation for the scientific paper. At the same time, the necessity for cognition of the principle of statutory analogy and legal analogy in the field of the interrelation of financial law and criminal procedure in the sphere of legal time limits (financial and legal as well as criminal procedural ones) respectively has been researched in the scientific article. Considerable attention has also been paid in the scientific article (with due account for the principle of statutory analogy and legal analogy in criminal proceedings) to the research of counteraction to criminal offences (investigation and pre-trial investigation of criminal offences in particular) performed by the State Bureau of Investigation. Moreover, the research of legal concepts of the foreign (French) legal scholars in the fields of constitutional law and theory of law has been performed in the scientific paper. In addition, cognition of the foreign (French) legal thought has been performed in conjunction with the Ukrainian doctrine of criminal procedure in the sphere of the principle of statutory analogy and legal analogy. The strategy for the research of the legal doctrines framed (created) by the foreign (French) legal scholars has therefore been formulated in the scientific article in the course of generation of up-to-date knowledge in the field of criminal procedure.
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