children; child trafficking; criminal proceedings; investigation; investigative situation; investigative (investigative) action; covert investigative (investigative) action; special knowledge.Abstract
The article attempts to single out the problems of pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings concerning child trafficking or other illegal agreement on a child, taking into account the criminalistic principles and regulations of the current criminal procedure legislation, and offers ways to solve them and practical recommendations. The focus is on the problematic aspects of identifying and initiating pretrial investigations into criminal proceedings concerning child trafficking or other illegal agreements concerning a child, taking into account the typical investigative situations and the main directions of the investigation. Ways to improve the organization and tactics of investigators in conjunction with law enforcement agencies of other states of certain procedural actions in the implementation of requests for international legal assistance; forensic recommendations on the tactics of reviewing documents to be established or seized during the investigation of illegal transfer for the operation of newborns by maternity hospitals and interrogation with the participation of a minor victim in accordance with international treaties, in order to ensure the rights and freedoms of the child, opportunities for independent election of a legal representative, use of specially equipped premises (“green rooms”). The peculiarities of tactical and forensic support of covert investigative (investigative) actions during the investigation are revealed and the forms of using special knowledge under such conditions are analyzed. Child trade or other illegal agreement on the child has a comprehensive nature, since its close relationship with species (criminal offenses against the will, honor and dignity of person, morality) and subspecific methods of investigation (exploitation of children, begging, pornography), and with the method of investigation of crimes committed by organized groups. The specific nature of this technique is that it accumulates as a general recommendation, represented in species methods, and specific recommendations that take into account the peculiarities of the investigation of such acts.
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