gender; economy; principle of equality; gender policy; gender disproportions; gender equality; segregation.Abstract
The authors note the existence of significant changes in the legal field of Ukraine on gender equality, awareness of the majority of the society of the importance of this issue for achieving equal opportunities and realization of women in the field of career and socio-political life. It is proved that the state pays more and more attention to specific mechanisms of gender transformation and takes into account international agreements signed and ratified by Ukraine. It is becaming a part of the world gender technologies. The state recognizes the main directions of gender democracy, restrictions which are based on the grounds of sex and aimed at the weakening, recognition, usage or exercising by women on the basis of equality between men and women, human rights and fundamental freedoms in political, economic, cultural, social or any other field of activity. The article concetrates on the imbalance between the awareness and the real state of gender issues in the labour market, wages and participation in politics. It is concluded that the most perfect laws and decisions of the Government will not be effective without overcoming the existing low level of gender culture in the society, creation of a sufficient information and consultation network in all regions of the country on implementation of equal opportunities of policy for men and women, introduction of equal treatment and equal opportunities for women and men in public policy in the field of labor, social policy, economic policy in order to prevent occupational segregation, eliminate inequality in wages, stimulate the growth of women's entrepreneurship, as well as to assess women's work; cooperation and interaction of various public administration bodies in the implementation of the principle of equal treatment and equal opportunities for women and men; balanced representation of women and men in the lists of candidates in elections and decision-making, improving the actual situation through the implementation of effective and concrete decisions and strategies.
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