Ukraine, 1953, Ministry of Internal Affairs, police, crime prevention, public order protectionAbstract
In 1953, the criminogenic situation in the republic significantly worsened compared to previous years. This was significantly influenced by the unprecedented amnesty of March 1953. The number of crimes increased significantly. All this happened because the consequences of the simultaneous movement of tens of thousands of ex-convicts around the country were not calculated, there was no program for their social rehabilitation and employment. As a result, former criminal prisoners who had no work and no means of subsistence resorted to committing crimes. The Сollegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR established that a significant number of senior employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not take sufficient measures to combat crime. One of the main reasons for the weak work in this area was the unsatisfactory setting of the agency's operational work. Deficiencies in the work of police bodies were to a large extent also the result of unsatisfactory selection, deployment and training of personnel. The Ministry of Internal Affairs demanded to improve the work in these directions, to direct the main attention in the agency-operational work to the development of recidivist criminals, to make wider use of the external surveillance service, and scientific and technical means. All investigative work was required to be entrusted to the investigative departments in the administrations and their apparatuses in the city-district departments and police departments, where they were located. To combat apartment thefts in cities, it was recommended to organize permanent operative groups with qualified agents, which were to be headed by criminal investigation workers who had experience in combating this type of crime. However, the indicated union documents were largely general, and sometimes declarative in nature. In contrast, the directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR was more specific and well thought out. In general, it should be noted that the legal regulation and democratization of police activity during this period were not consistent and had a rather complex, contradictory nature.
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