rest time, vacations, the right to rest, labor legislation, labor relations under martial law, restrictions on the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizensAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the norms of the current legislation regarding the procedure for vacations’ giving to employees under martial law. An analysis of regulatory provisions was carried out based on modern approaches to the essence and meaning of the right to have a rest. Attention is focused on the fact that Ukraine, as a democratic, legal state with a market economy, should rethink a number of legislative provisions on the procedure for giving vacations from the standpoint of the effectiveness of such norms and their potential effective impact on the post-war functioning of enterprises, institutions, organizations of various forms of ownership and economic sectors. It is emphasized that limiting the duration of annual vacation to 24 calendar days should be decided by the parties to the work agreement – the employee and the employer. The opinion is argued that it is necessary to abandon the legislative provisions that create legal opportunities for the employer to "freeze" the costs of paying for the annual basic and additional vacations of employees, and accordingly accumulate their financial obligations to employees, because such legal opportunities in connection with the duration of military states have lost their potential in establishing the rhythmic continuous work of enterprises, institutions, and organizations in the conditions of a martial state. And there are currently no other motives for suspending guaranteed payments to employees from the salary fund. The refusal to "freeze" payments guaranteed by employees in respect of their vacations must be implemented in two ways: 1) deprive the employer of the right to unilaterally decide not to give any type of vacations, with the exception of the conditions specified in the second part of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Organization of Labor Relations in Conditions of Military of state" and exclude from the legislation the postponement of the use of unused vacation days by employees until the termination or cancellation of martial law; 2) establish in the provisions of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Organization of Labor Relations in Martial Law" the reference to Article 24 "Monetary compensation for unused annual vacation" of the Law of Ukraine "On vacation days", which will make it impossible for the employer to accumulate financial obligations regarding the payment of unused vacations days at the time of termination or cancellation of martial law. There are formulated changes to Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Organization of Labor Relations in the Conditions of Martial Law".
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