



activity of the National Police, administrative offense, offense related to corruption, detection of offense, documentation of offense, obtaining information by police authorities, reasoned conclusion, National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption


The purpose of this article is to clarify the methods and features of police detection of administrative offenses related to corruption, as well as their classification depending on various criteria. The method of detection of the offense is consistently connected with the relevant source of information about the signs of one or another type of misdemeanor. It was established that the source of information about administrative offenses related to corruption are: statements (notifications) of individuals and legal entities that are sent to the police body (unit); independently discovered by authorized persons of the police body (subdivision) from any source of circumstances (signs) of an administrative offense related to corruption; notifications from other specially authorized entities in the field of anti-corruption about discovered (known) facts of administrative offenses related to corruption, according to which the documentation of relevant administrative offenses is assigned to the competence of the National Police; referral to an authorized person of a police body (subdivision) by the body of a pre-trial investigation of materials on the fact of a corruption criminal offense or a criminal offense related to corruption in the case of closing the criminal proceedings, but in the presence of signs of an administrative offense related to corruption in the actions of the offender for the purpose of bringing the latter to administrative liability; other Based on the results of the research, the author's classification of methods and features of police detection of administrative offenses related to corruption is proposed, depending on the initiative, addressee of information, form and method of providing information, format of official notification, method of obtaining information, etc. The further activities of the police regarding the collection of the necessary evidence and the effectiveness of the administrative-delict proceedings depend on the understanding of the specified features already at the stage of detection of this type of misdemeanor.


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How to Cite

Reva, S. (2024). FEATURES OF POLICE BODIES DETECTION OF SIGNS OF OFFENSES RELATED TO CORRUPTION. Law Journal of Donbass, (1), 39–44. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2024-86-39-44

