the Constitution of Ukraine, administrative status, central bodies of executive power, state policy, ministry, administrative mechanism, legal norms, administrative regulation, principles, legal statusAbstract
The article studies ministries' administrative and legal status in Ukraine's central executive authorities. Ministries play a crucial role in formulating and implementing state policies. Ministries play a crucial role in formulating and implementing state policies. Their administrative and legal status comprises rights, duties, opportunities, and responsibilities defined by legislative acts. The study analyzes the legislative and regulatory framework governing ministry activities, including the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine 'On Central Bodies of Executive Power', as well as other regulations on the formation, reorganization, and dissolution of ministries and their functions. The peculiarities of the organizational structure of ministries, including their internal divisions and interaction with other bodies of executive power, have been studied. The issues of personnel policy, appointment and dismissal of heads of ministries, and mechanisms of control over their activities are considered. Special attention is paid to the role of ministries in the system of public affairs management, and their influence on the development and implementation of state programs and strategies. The Problems and challenges the ministries face in fulfilling their functions are revealed. Among them are the issues of management efficiency, coordination between different ministries, and ensuring transparency and accountability of their activities. Examples of practical application of legislative norms in the activities of specific ministries are given, as well as ways to improve their administrative and legal status. A separate section is devoted to the interaction of ministries with other branches of power, particularly the legislative and judicial branches. The ministry's role in preparing and implementing legislative initiatives and participation in law enforcement activities is analyzed. The author concludes that the administrative and legal status of ministries is a key factor determining their role and place in the system of central executive authorities.
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