criminal misdemeanor, crime, criminal offense, criminal legislation, structure of person, criminal offender, qualifying feature, social dangerAbstract
The article examines the structure of a person who has committed a criminal offense. It is indicated that the increased degree of social danger in accordance with the presence of qualifying/especially qualifying signs indicates the presence of a set of characteristics in a person that make it impossible to save repression. This can be explained by the fact that the minimum age limit for the commission of a criminal misdemeanor and a minor crime is usually sixteen years. At the same time, the question of the expediency of assuming that a person who commits a criminal misdemeanor and, for example, a minor crime, differs in socio-demographic and moral-psychological characteristics remains relevant. It is noted that the artificial derivation of new criminal-legal and criminological concepts does not indicate that the meaning and trends of crime itself are changing. In 2018, the legislator singled out the institution of criminal misdemeanors and at the same time strengthened criminal liability for minor crimes. Attention is drawn to the fact that the degree of public danger of a person who committed a criminal offense was reduced by softening the sanction of the norms of the Special part of the criminal legislation. At the same time, his socio-demographic, moral-psychological, as well as other traditional features that are included in the structure of a person in criminology have not undergone any changes. This approach calls into question the effectiveness of criminal law norms, as well as their impact on the potential and actual consequences of a committed criminal offense. In particular, the prescribed types of punishments cannot be assessed as sufficient to correct the criminal offender and ensure the effectiveness of his resocialization. It is concluded that the personality structure of a criminal offender who committed a criminal misdemeanor differs from a criminal offender who committed a crime.
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