aviation safety, zero risk in civil aviation, flight safety, unconditional control in civil aviation, legal responsibility in civil aviationAbstract
Civil aviation is one of the most important components of modern transport, which ensures fast, safe and efficient transportation of people and goods. Ensuring security requires coordinated work of international and national organizations, effective application of legal norms and standards, as well as constant improvement of technological and organizational measures. Given the importance of this area for the national and international economy, the legal regulation of civil aviation security is an extremely important and multifaceted process that requires clear legal norms and principles that determine the order and rules of its operation. The article examines the theoretical and legal aspects of the institute of safety as the main component for all participants in aviation activities. It is the legal regulation of safety in the field of civil aviation that provides guarantees in minimizing risks, increasing the reliability of aviation equipment, as well as ensuring safe conditions for passengers and crew members. This is achieved through the creation and enforcement of clear legal norms and standards relating to all aspects of aviation operations. It is indicated that theoretical and legal aspects of safety regulation in civil aviation are the basis for creating an effective and safe legal system in this field. The importance of their integration for achieving the sustainable development of aviation activities, improving the safety of civil aviation and ensuring high standards of passenger service is noted. The essence of international agreements and other legal documents, which play a key role in ensuring the security of this sphere, is revealed. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the theoretical and legal context, the regulation of civil aviation includes a number of key aspects that ensure safety, efficiency, stability and development of aviation activities. The basic theoretical and legal principles on which the regulation of the safety institute in the field of civil aviation is based are also considered.
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