legal measures, security measures, legal regime, martial law, national security, evacuation, curfew, military administration, mobilization, requisition, military formationsAbstract
Given the prolonged martial law regime in Ukraine and the constant military aggression by the russian federation, Ukrainian scholars and lawyers are increasingly paying attention to the regulation of social relations which have arisen and are arising in the context of war. The issues of measures of securing the legal regime of martial law play a special role in this regard, given that the said legal regime of martial law is implemented in practice and plays a special role in ensuring the national interests of the state. In this regard, there is a need to study the issue of measures of securing the legal regime of martial law and their impact on the regulation of public relations in this area. Given the long duration of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, as well as the experience of intensive hostilities which have been going on in Ukraine for almost three years, we can conclude that the issue of measures of securing the legal regime of martial law, their types and characteristics of certain measures of the regime has become one of the most pressing issues of our time. The practical relevance of the study of this issue is also due to the fact that today, thanks to the practical experience gained by Ukraine in recent years under martial law and protracted armed conflict, it is possible to study in more depth and from a theoretical point of view the issues related to the measures of securing the legal regime of martial law and the problems of their practical implementation. Based on the results of the study, and on the understanding of the concept of “legal measures”, as well as scientific approaches to the concept of “measures of securing the legal regime of martial law”, and on the analysis of current legislation, the author provides the author’s own definition of measures of securing the legal regime of martial law, identifies their types and provides their general characteristics. In further research, it is proposed to focus more attention on the study of certain types of measures of securing the legal regime of martial law, which will help to deeply investigate the issues raised and, if necessary, to regulate the issues related to the measures of securing the legal regime of martial law at the legislative level.
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