convicts, places of imprisonment, socialization, resocialization, reintegration, legitimization, punishment, legal status of convictsAbstract
The article examines the scientific validity of the problem of correction of convicts in places of imprisonment are in Ukraine. Two sides of the legitimization of the correction of convicts in places of imprisonment are defined. On the one hand, it is based on material law and is therefore applied by the bodies and institutions of the State Criminal Enforcement Service, and on the other hand, on the results of its application to convicts while serving a criminal sentence, which are public for perception not only by the convicts, but also and society. The opinion is substantiated that the term "socialization" can be an alternative to correction. In the article, the new term "socialization" is scientifically justified as an alternative to the correction. From the standpoint of structural analysis, we consider the socialization of convicts in places of imprisonment as a set of its main components: adaptation to the conditions of serving punishment in places of imprisonment; consolidation of knowledge about the legal status of the convict in places of imprisonment; preparation of the convict for actions in crisis and conflict situations; readiness to participate in means of influence on the behavior of convicts during the period of resocialization; familiarization with the rules of the internal agenda and motivation for its implementation; preparation of the necessary documents for the reintegration stage before release from detention; establishing a model of behavior with other convicts and prison staff, etc. The author's definition of socialization has been formulated, the definition of socialization of convicts in places of imprisonment in Ukraine is the process of convicts acquiring diagnostics in quarantine and distribution of various types of activities, adaptation to the conditions of serving the sentence, preparation of the convict for actions in crisis and conflict situations, preparation of the necessary documents for passing the stage of reintegration before release from prison, assimilation of a model of behavior with other convicts and prison staff, etc.
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Про схвалення Стратегії реформування пенітенціарної системи на період до 2026 року та затвердження операційного плану її реалізації у 2022–2024 роках : розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 16.12.2022 р. № 1153-р. URL: (дата звернення: 07.02.2024).