professional training, personnel, penitentiary system, selection, penal authorities and institutionsAbstract
In the context of reforming the national penal system, one of the most pressing issues remains the problem of staffing its activities. Its solution is a priority not only in relation to the functioning of a single penal institution, but is also a condition for increasing the efficiency of the entire penitentiary system as a whole. In modern penitentiary systems, the importance of personnel activities at all levels of management of authorities and institutions for the execution of punishments and detention of prisoners is increasingly recognized. More liberal regimes, which modern penitentiary systems are guided by, provide prisoners with more opportunities for communication outside the premises for their detention. This significantly complicates the work of personnel, who require a high level of coordination and interaction. Employees must better understand the goals of correctional impact on prisoners and their role in ensuring it. This, in turn, led to a change in attitudes regarding the modern functions of personnel. The integration of Ukraine with the European community, the ratification of a number of important legal documents have updated the task of bringing the penal system in line with the high requirements of international standards for the treatment of prisoners. Fulfilment of obligations, primarily in the sphere of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of prisoners and those sentenced to criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment, is directly related to the professional qualities of employees of the penal system. Therefore, the personnel training system should be flexible, diverse, with minimal costs and at the same time highly effective. In these conditions, innovative projects for reforming the personnel training system, as well as the positive experience of professional education for penitentiary institutions in foreign countries, where unique systems for training and maintaining highly professional personnel have been created, are of great importance. An analysis of the training system of employees of the penitentiary systems of developed countries, in particular Germany and Poland, allows us to identify individual features that will be useful for training specialists for the authorities and institutions of the penitentiary system of Ukraine.
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