



medical law, venture capital investment, investment activity, innovative activity, startup, enterprise, legal relations, medical services, intellectual property.


The article examines the features and key characteristics of venture investing in enterprises in such an innovative field as medicine. The key aspects of investment and innovation activities are studied using the example of medical start-ups. It was found that venture capital investments in the medical business are a common way of attracting financing for the development of innovative medical projects. It has been determined that despite all the risks, a successful medical startup can have a significant impact on the healthcare industry and bring very large returns to investors. It has been established that medical activity is one of the riskiest areas of entrepreneurial activity, which is why, considering the peculiarities of venture capital investment in enterprises of such an innovative industry, it is one of the most interesting areas of research. The analyzed propositions are that venture capital investment has a wide range of subjects endowed with various opportunities and mechanisms of influence and has a huge number of investment methods, as it is a business process that unites investors and startups from different fields and industries. The immediate circle of subjects who can act as investors, in particular in the field of medical entrepreneurship, as well as the peculiarities of their involvement in investment projects, were studied. The peculiarities of the medical business of corporations in the field of medical technologies have been determined. The model of such a business is that it is possible to test a new product, tool or technique already after clinical trials with the help of new micro-enterprises, conducting, so to speak, "reconnaissance by combat", releasing a ready-made, promising, but unknown product to the market, often, after that, absorbing his own startup into the parent company. It is this aspect that stimulates large medical corporations to be investors in the medical business. 


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How to Cite

Popov, V. (2024). FEATURES OF VENTURE INVESTING IN MEDICAL ENTERPRISES. Law Journal of Donbass, (3), 31–35. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2023-84-31-35

