



mass riots, investigative situations, tactical tasks, tactical decisions, tactical operations


The article is devoted to the study of tactical tasks and solutions at the initial stage of the investigation of mass riots. Concepts, signs and content of such tactical means as tactical task, tactical solution, tactical operation, tactical combination are defined. Each investigative (investigative) action is conducted with the aim of solving the tasks of the proceedings and aims to establish the circumstances of the criminal event, identify and consolidate evidence, refute or confirm the testimony of the participants in the criminal proceedings, establish and confirm the involvement of a person in committing illegal acts. Certain tools of forensic tactics help the investigator in the course of the investigation to apply techniques that are effective in certain investigative situations to solve the tasks of the investigation, in particular, to establish the circumstances to be proven, as well as for the purpose of solving problematic investigative situations. In order to solve investigative situations or eliminate obstacles in the course of the investigation, tactical tasks are formed aimed at obtaining evidence and establishing information about a criminal offense by conducting investigative (search) actions, covert investigative (search) actions, operational, procedural and organizational measures. The following tactical tasks of the initial stage of the investigation of mass disturbances are given: 1) detention of active participants and organizers of mass riots at the scene; 2) establishing the organizers of mass riots; 3) establishment of the purpose and goals of organizing mass riots; 4) identification of active participants in mass riots; 5) establishing the method of committing mass riots, in particular their preparation and concealment; 6) collection of the evidence base and recording of traces of the crime; 7) detection and seizure of tools and means of committing mass riots; 8) identification of victims; 9) identification of eyewitnesses and clarification of the circumstances known to them regarding the commission of the crime; 10) establishing the size of the damage. In order to solve tactical tasks during the investigation of mass riots, the following tactical operations were proposed and characterized: "Organization of mass riots", "Criminal", "Evidence", "Witness".


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How to Cite

Mishustin, V. (2024). TACTICAL TASKS AND DECISIONS AT THE INITIAL STAGE OF THE INVESTIGATION OF MASS UNRESTS. Law Journal of Donbass, (1), 83–89. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2024-86-83-90

