distance and blended learning, law students, special competencies, information and communication technologies, economic and legal academic disciplinesAbstract
Recognition of the implementation of the modern information and communication technologies as a priority in the development of education, creation of the distance learning system, provision of educational process by resources of information and communication technologies are making adjustments to the organization of the educational process in higher education. This sharply affects the preparation of students for the economic sphere, in which economic and legal academic disciplines should take a main place. The article focuses on the difficulties of using traditional approaches to the forms of interaction between a teacher and students in the process of remote organization of the educational process in economic and legal disciplines, taking into account their applied nature and the need to form the corresponding special competencies of future specialists in the field of economics. The research of the main teaching forms (lectures, practical classes, control measures) of legal disciplines of the specified cycle with use of information and communication technologies is carried out and options for using of various tools of modern information and communication technologies are presented, examples of their use regarding to specific topics of different legal disciplines are given. According to the results of the research, the application of the appropriate method for conducting classes is proposed for each considered tool. The proposals on increasing the motivation of students to actively participate in lectures and practical online classes are substantiated, the use of certain forms of work with students to ensure confidentiality in assessing their knowledge is substantiated, etc. The article proposes directions for improving the teaching of disciplines of the economic and legal cycle in the form of recommendations for the use of different methods in distance and blended learning, which can be used in teaching other disciplines to future lawyers.
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