inclusive space, persons with disabilities, law enforcement agencies, police, inclusion, equal rights, professional knowledge and skills of police officersAbstract
The paper defines inclusive education as a system of state-guaranteed educational services based on the principles of non-discrimination, effective involvement and inclusion of all its participants in the educational process. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has become key in the work of many institutions, police in particular, which must play one of the main roles in working with citizens with disabilities and creating an inclusive society with equal rights for all its members, regardless of any characteristics. Our country creates its own way of development of inclusive education, additional opportunities are also created for this category of children who are provided with special support. The authors describe the experience of the police of some countries in the field of educational work regarding the treatment of persons with special needs. The need for sufficient qualification of law enforcement officers for interaction with the studied population group is emphasized because only thanks to the acquired special knowledge and skills a police officer can not only identify a person with a disability, but also determine an effective way of communicating with him/her. As authors state, it would be appropriate to conduct special training for law enforcement officers who carry out preventive activities (patrol police, district police officers, etc.). For example, it can take place within the framework of initial training, professional development, service training in order to provide police officers with the necessary information regarding interaction with persons of the researched category. Acquisition of special knowledge and skills by police officers has a positive effect on the quality of their interaction with persons with disabilities.
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