management activity, manager, territorial division of the patrol police, legal forms, law-making, administrative legal acts, official activity, legality and discipline, operational response, National Police of UkraineAbstract
The article reveals the essence and significance of the forms of management activity of the head of the territorial division of the patrol police. It is emphasized that among the legal forms of management activity of the head of the territorial unit of the patrol police, law-making takes a prominent place, which takes the form of drafting, changing, supplementing and canceling administrative legal acts. The definition of the administrative act of the heads of the territorial units of the patrol police, the content of which consists in the organization of the service activities of the patrol police units, regarding the observance of law and discipline, the protection of human rights and freedoms, the prompt response to reports of criminal offenses and other events, as well as the decisions of other administrative acts . issues of the official activity of the patrol police units The role of the National Police, which acts as the main entity introducing law-making initiatives into the official activity of the patrol police, has been clarified. The general features of normative-legal and administrative acts in the management activity of the patrol police are highlighted, which include: a) referral for detailing of normative-legal acts of the highest level; b) the state-authority, administrative character, with the help of which the purposeful influence of the participants in management relations is carried out; c) specific legal consequences, which are expressed in the form of establishment, change or termination of rights and obligations; d) mandatory nature of legal administrative acts.
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