



investigation method, criminal offenses against the environment, investigative situations, typical investigative situations, investigative versions.


The article is devoted to the study of typical investigative situations that arise at the initial stage of the investigation of criminal offenses against the environment. In particular, it is determined that after entering information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, the investigator studies the primary material on the commission of a criminal offense and the available evidentiary information, based on the results of which the investigative situations are formed at the initial stage of the investigation. At the next stage of the investigation, investigative situations are formed based on the results of investigative (search) actions, identification of the guilty person and delivery of a notice of suspicion. Typical investigative situations are a formed list of situations that arise during the investigation of a certain type of criminal offense at the initial or subsequent stage of the investigation. They were developed based on the results of studying the materials of investigative and judicial practice. All investigative situations that arise during the investigation of a certain type of criminal offense against the environment (for example, atmospheric air pollution) are similar and determine the state of the pre-trial investigation at a certain stage. The development of typical investigative situations provides an opportunity to form investigative versions of the commission of a criminal offense and to outline typical decisions and tasks of a pre-trial investigation. Typical investigative situations of the initial stage of the investigation of the specified criminal offenses include: 1) the first situation – a pre-trial investigation has been initiated on the fact of the commission of illegal actions that have signs of a criminal offense against the environment; 2) the second situation – a pre-trial investigation has been started on the fact of committing a criminal offense against the environment and the person has been identified; 3) the third situation – a pre-trial investigation has been started on the fact of committing a criminal offense against the environment and the person has not been identified. Investigative situations that arise during the investigation of a certain type of criminal offense against the environment are similar and determine the situation of the pre-trial investigation at a certain stage, namely the evidentiary materials available to the investigation that reveal the circumstances of the commission of the criminal offense.


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How to Cite

Tatarenko, S. (2024). TYPICAL INVESTIGATORS IN THE INITIAL STAGE OF INVESTIGATING CRIMINAL OFFENSES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT. Law Journal of Donbass, (3), 63–69. https://doi.org/10.32782/2523-4269-2023-84-63-69

