


labor, minors, youth, legal regulation, guarantees, realization of rights.


The article examines the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the work of minors. The opinions and views of domestic scientists regarding the definition of the concept of minors were analyzed and their place in society was determined. It was determined that underage workers are a specific category of workers, differing in age, existing labor rights, and a set of additional forms of protection from the state in the process of performing their labor activities. It was noted that the main task of the state in the part of regulating the labor of minors is to bring the legal framework into line with the realities of the domestic labor market, which will make it possible to reveal the essence, specificity, trends and real possibilities of the influence of international legal acts on the work of the specified category of persons. The norms of the current labor legislation, which regulate the work of hired workers, were analyzed and it was determined that the legislative norms regarding the protection of the life and health of minors, which are prescribed in the current Labor Code, have a clear orientation to the protection, first of all, of all the rights and freedoms of the employee. Special attention is paid to the norms of international law, the legal positions of which are also necessary in domestic legislation. It was emphasized that the work of minors is one of the main components of labor relations and its legal regulation should meet all international standards. In Ukraine, a special legal basis has been created for minors to exercise their labor rights, but unscrupulous employers and the low level of education of young people with their legal rights create grounds for numerous abuses and violations by employers. It was concluded that among the main ways to solve problems in the field of minors' work are: strengthening of preventive measures for information and explanatory work among educational institutions and institutions of various levels of post-school education, strengthening of control over compliance with labor legislation among employers, revision of fines increase due to the exploitation of youth labor and oppression of their rights and freedoms at the first workplace in particular.


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How to Cite

Klemparsky, M., & Nazymko, O. (2024). LEGAL REGULATION OF LABOR OF MINORS. Law Journal of Donbass, (2), 18–22.

