territorial community; local self-government; municipalities; international European contract law; European municipal law.Abstract
The article examines the parametric and nomenological foundations of the formation and development of European municipal law as an organic component of European law. It is proved that the institution of local self-government corresponds to all aspects of European law as an element of the personification of the common European heritage, which even in the modern world plays a fundamental role and has constitutive importance in the formation, existence, functioning and improvement of democratic legal statehood and institutional and administrative manifestation in strengthening and deepening integration interaction of member states of the European community (EU, CE, OSCE, NATO, etc.), and therefore acts as an important part of the European legal order and, even more, objectifies, determines and intensifies the processes of institutionalization of European municipal law. The conducted systematic analysis of the guidelines and trends of the role and significance of local self-government within the framework of a united Europe makes it possible to state that they actually form the subject-object basis of municipal law, which, firstly, has not only a national but also a powerful international – a legal component, including at the regional – European level, and, secondly, forms one of the most important components of the formation of international European municipal law as a branch of European law and, in turn, a sub-branch of international municipal law. It is asserted that the international legal support and provision of local self-government within the European legal space is based on international treaty law, within which the intensive norm-projecting and rule-making activities of international European intergovernmental and intergovernmental organizations of an integration nature (EU, CE, OSCE, NATO, etc.) take place and their structural or auxiliary institutions, as well as international non-governmental organizations that act as important elements of pan-European civil society – in relation to the development of projects of international agreements and the adoption of international legal treaties of a specific focus, i.e. international agreements, the subject of which is the legalization, regulation, regulation of municipal legal relations in the form of or consolidation of their fundamental principles, or relevant specific organizational and organizational-legal forms of interaction of the territorial community, local self-government bodies with other subjects of municipal and constitutional law of the patrimonial state with international public authorities (including municipal or state, as well as their associations), and with other legal subjects of foreign countries, including their business, banking and other commercial and non-commercial structures. Moreover, the stated principles or forms are formulated in the form of specific international legal obligations of states in the field of establishment and recognition, normative regulation, development and improvement of the institution of local democracy on their territory, including their normative and legal support, provision, as well as providing for the possibility of implementation international convention control. In this regard, a relatively wide range of agreements, which can be attributed to international municipal legal agreements that are part of European law, have been classified and analyzed.
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