Ethical norms

Responsibility and obligations of the Editorial Board


The decision to accept articles to the Editorial Office

The Editorial Board of the journal “Law Journal of Donbass” reserves the right to accept articles for publication or to deny the authors’ publication. The Editorial Board is guided by the policy of the journal (correspondence to the scientific specialization), the basic requirements for publications. The Editorial Board of the journal has the right to reject/return the article for revision if it does not meet the requirements, journal’s subject or if plagiarism is found.


The Editorial Board accepts scientific papers solely on the basis of content and correctness of design, regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, political views, ethnicity, citizenship, etc.


The Editorial Board does not disclose information about the acceptance or rejection of the article to anyone other than the author (s), co-author (s), reviewers; this also applies to the personal data of the authors.

Conflict of interests

Unpublished materials of the article accepted by the editors are not used by the members of the Editorial Board for their own research without reference to the author of the already published work. Interesting and useful information from the submitted articles can be used only for awareness and is not used for personal reasons. Advertising, retyping and other manipulations do not affect the decision of the members of the Editorial Board to accept articles for publication. The editors of the journal undertake to carry out technical, linguistic editing of the accepted articles. The Editorial Board undertakes to cooperate with the authors of the articles, providing them with the necessary assistance and answering their questions.


Responsibility and obligations of the reviewers


Participation in decision making

The reviewer assists the Editorial Board in deciding whether or not to accept the article for publication. In addition, the reviewer assists the author in correcting and improving his work if necessary.


Any peer-reviewed scientific work is considered a confidential document that cannot be discussed with the third parties.


Peer review is always objective. Personal criticism of the authors is unacceptable. Reviewers should express their views clearly with constructive comments and advice.

Verification of scientific sources

Reviewers should point sources whose authors were not indicated in the work. Any scientific data or judgments previously discovered by other authors must include references to the work of that author (s). Reviewers should also check the article for plagiarism and inform the members of the Editorial Board about its presence.

Conflict of interests

Unpublished materials in the article submitted for review cannot be used by reviewers for their own research without reference to the author of the already published work. Interesting and useful information from the submitted articles can be used only for awareness and is not used for personal reasons.


Responsibility and obligations of the authors


Features of information presentation

Authors should present the results of their research in accordance with the requirements of the articles in a clear sequence. Articles should contain links to other works used for research. The presence of false or inaccurate data is unacceptable and is regarded as a violation of the ethics of publication. The article should reflect the scientific novelty in the field of research.

Authenticity and plagiarism

Authors who submit their articles to the editors of the journal must guarantee the accuracy of the data presented in their works. If the data of other scientists are used, the authors of the articles should refer to their research in the list of references. The originality of a scientific article is determined primarily by the fact that the work does not contain plagiarism. Articles that contain plagiarism or textual borrowings without reference to the original source are not considered by the members of the Editorial Board until the deficiencies are eliminated or are rejected forever.

All types of work are checked using the “Unicheck” system, agreement № 95/05-21 dated 27.05.2021 and in accordance with the Regulation “On Academic Integrity and Ethics of Academic Relations” (Order № 215, dated 14.04.2021).

Multiple publication of one article

Authors are not allowed to submit the article that has been published before.

Article authorship

Co-authors of the article are those who have made a significant contribution to research the article is devoted to. All co-authors should be familiar with and agree with the final version of the publication. All co-authors of the article must be indicated before submitting the work to the editors.