education, educational institutions, state policy in the field of proper functioning of the education system, local self-government bodies, powers in the field of proper functioning of the education system.Abstract
The article clarifies the concept and essence of state policy in the field of ensuring the proper functioning of education by local self-government bodies; an analysis of the legal basis for ensuring the proper functioning of the education system and educational institutions by local self-government bodies was carried out, their defects were identified and directions for improvement were proposed. As a result of the study, it was established that the state policy in the field of ensuring the proper functioning of the education system by local self-government bodies is a system of organizational, regulatory, scientific, resource, informationanalytical and methodological measures aimed at ensuring the provision of quality education to the population of Ukraine, capable on the basis of its acquisition, to realize the acquisition of knowledge for the purpose of self-realization and profitmaking through the creation of an effective network of educational institutions, their proper financing and the provision of quality educational services at the expense of funds and resources of local budgets properly accumulated and distributed by local self-government bodies. It was established that the directions for improving the state policy in the area of ensuring the proper functioning of the education system by local self-government bodies and the provision of quality educational services can be: 1) improvement of the activities of the structural unit of the local government that carries out management (management) in the education system of the region by improving communication with educational institutions, taking into account the needs of the latter; 2) improving the conditions of interaction of educational institutions of the region by participating in joint projects of forming modern educational programs and holding joint scientific events aimed, among other things, at attracting grant funds; 3) completion of the reform of general secondary education institutions regarding their division by levels, terms and forms of obtaining full general secondary education and determining the criteria for local budget allocations for their maintenance and development, taking into account long-term funding programs for 3 years, taking into account the inflation index; 4) development and approval of programs for the development of vocational training institutions, institutions of vocational training before higher education, in particular specialized colleges for training specialists needed by the region and local self-government bodies.
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