


notification of suspicion, right to defense, suspect, criminal prosecution, in absentia.


The article is devoted to the investigation of problematic issues during service and notification of a person of suspicion. It is noted that the term "notice of suspicion" does not exist in the Criminal Procedure Law. The views of scientists on this concept are presented in order to form an understanding of its content load. It has been established that the notification of suspicion is a justified procedural decision of the investigator, inquirer and procedural manager regarding the suspicion of a person in the commission of a criminal offense, from which the moment of bringing to criminal responsibility and the countdown of the pre-trial investigation period begins. Attention is drawn to the fact that the direct delivery of a written notice of suspicion to a person does not mean that the criminal prosecution of such a person is just beginning, because the preparation of such a notice may be preceded by a number of public or secret investigative (search) actions, with the aim of verifying his involvement in a criminal case offense. The specified procedural decision significantly affects the person's ability to exercise his rights, which is why the person should receive the status of a suspect in a timely manner. Therefore, inquirers, investigators, or prosecutors should not delay the process of notifying a person of suspicion when they have relevant evidence of his involvement. They must take steps to prepare, draft and serve the person with a written notice of suspicion immediately upon receipt of incriminating evidence, since the abuse of a timely notice of suspicion significantly violates the person's right to defense. The method of serving and notifying a person of suspicion in the event of a special pre-trial investigation has been studied. In the absence of a person and the impossibility of direct delivery of a notification of suspicion, the police and prosecutor's offices should use more effective methods of such delivery and notification. It is proposed to publish reports of suspicion not only on the website of the Office of the General Prosecutor and in the newspaper "Government Courier", but also to highlight such reports on the official pages of the structural units of the police and the prosecutor's office, with subsequent reposting for the dissemination of information. It was established that in this way, a larger audience will be reached, according to which the suspect can be familiarized with its content and will have the opportunity to exercise his right to defense.


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How to Cite

Lytvynenko, O., & Hruzd, O. (2024). INDIVIDUAL ISSUES OF REPORT OF SUSPICION. Law Journal of Donbass, (2), 37–42.

