


employee, legal regulation, social protection, guarantees of social protection, social assistance.


The article examines the peculiarities of the legal regulation of social protection of employees. The views of domestic scientists regarding the definition of the very concept of social protection and its role in labor relations are analyzed. In the course of the study, it was proposed to define the social protection of employees not only as a complex mechanism for providing various kinds of material benefits, but as a complex function of the state to create and maintain the necessary conditions for each employee to exercise his rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as to protect such persons in case of violation of their rights, through the implementation of the mechanism of benefits and assistance. It has been established that the main goal of social protection is to create a regulatory and legal environment in which every employee will be able to fully ensure the realization of his minimum needs and the needs of his loved ones, as well as to develop and be socially useful in every aspect of his life. At the beginning of the study, the author noted that among the most important social guarantees that operate in any civilized society and determine the social protection of citizens, including specific employees, are official employment, the minimum wage, proper remuneration, the right to annual leave, the right for health protection and environment safe for life and health, as well as the right to housing, etc. It is noted that the state creates conditions for employees to restore their spent material and moral resources for the performance of their labor functions. The full functioning of the field of labor relations is impossible without compliance with the social protection function of the state in terms of providing vacations and life and health insurance for employees. It was concluded that the legal regulation of the social protection of employees in Ukraine should be reviewed and supplemented with current norms in terms of supervision and control of employers as participants in labor relations, because without proper social protection of employees, neither the further development of the economy nor the further provision of a full-fledged balance of the sphere is possible labor relations in society.


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How to Cite

Koliesnіk T., & Klemparsky, M. (2024). LEGAL REGULATION OF THE SOCIAL PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES. Law Journal of Donbass, (4), 18–23.

